In that case, the ship's cargo, having been poorly stowed, shifted when the vessel encountered a squall.
Several vessels encountered the storm, with one reporting 110 km/h (70 mph) winds early on December 22.
After doing so, the vessel encounters an enormous rogue wave.
On their way the two vessels encountered very bad weather off the Isles of Scilly.
When science officers were injured or killed on away assignments, it was because their vessel had encountered something unexpected- and ultimately harmful.
What made this vessel different from any of the others Greenbriar had encountered over the years?
The vessel encountered heavy seas after it left Alaska on June 23.
The two vessels encountered their first island in the Gilberts on 17 June 1788.
She had no idea which vessels might encounter the powerful merchant first, but she needed his assistance desperately.
Saito's vessel encountered a number of problems.