The first explosion struck the submarine's battery compartment at 4:40 P.M. Sunday as the vessel was cruising at periscope depth.
The vessel or vessels cruised, blockaded, carried despatches and performed reconnaissance.
British vessels with troops aboard were cruising the coast of the Carolinas, obviously intending to launch an attack.
The vessel cruised beneath the surface for an hour, deep enough to avoid any floating chunks of ice from the polar regions, and finally guided them toward a sheltered bay.
The vessel cruised several times in the Mediterranean Sea, and in the Atlantic Ocean three times.
The vessel cruised along the Latin American littoral between Guatemala and Peru for over 16 months keeping watch over U.S. interests in the region.
At sea, a naval vessel cruised hull down on the horizon: a reminder of the Fleet mega-death the arms race had built up in the Mediterranean playground.
The vessel cruised in midair above the crisscrossed paths of surveillance pods.
Both vessels cruise the Caribbean from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Money was undoubtedly to be made, or why should so many vessels cruise about the islands?