Initially narrow, with thick walls, the vessels around the placenta become wide, with thin walls-and capable of carrying a hundred times more blood.
The vessel became unmanageable, and was blown ashore stern first near Ten Mile Point.
Ultimately, the vessels of the flotilla became what is known as a "fleet in being", offering a threat without action, and rarely left port.
A vessel is considered in peril if it is in danger or could become in danger.
However, despite ongoing repairs the vessel was becoming rapidly unseaworthy.
"What was the nature of your mission at the time your vessel became separated from the Ravon?"
Like a well-crafted mechanical bolt smoothly sliding into place, the vessel became battle ready.
Our small vessel became dangerously overloaded with burned and half-drowned victims.
During the use of the break laser, the vessel becomes invincible and all enemy projectiles can be destroyed.
In later periods the vessel became a symbol of societal prominence and the religious aspect receded.