The vessel we have been pursuing has illegally entered, and attacked, an outpost in Federation space.
This force did prove vital though in July, when 67 French and mercenary vessels attempted to attack the Cinque Ports.
But circumstances did not allow us to pursue such options, either then or when the vessel subsequently attacked Earth.
And Kargan ordered the Pagh to make a suicide run on the vessels attacking the Trager.
"I know, of course, that your vessels will attack," Seaton remarked, as he noted a crafty gleam in the eyes of the officer.
The empire has made no moves against any world inhabited by your kind, and yet your vessels attack ours without provocation.
After traveling three miles south past the limit line, the North Korean vessels attacked the two South Korean patrol boats that had been monitoring them.
These vessels also attacked Japanese shipping, primarily small inter-coastal vessels and patrol boats.
If a vessel of any size and armament was indeed attacking them, he did not give the Nowlan much chance of surviving long after the initial salvo.
The vessels were suddenly attacking from all angles.