Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Vesicles are sometimes changed so they can do one thing very well.
Another reason vesicles have been used so frequently is that they are relatively easy to make.
Be sure to let your physician know if vesicles were present before you arrived at the office.
It may be located at the surface of the cell or in vesicles.
Over the next several days, the vesicles rupture and then crust.
A vesicle is a bubble of liquid within a cell.
They are larger than vesicles and their specific function varies.
The substances within the vesicle are released into the exterior.
These electron transparent vesicles were seen at all time points examined.
There are various types of vesicles each with a different protein configuration.
Multiple small vesicles at the centre of two or more lesions, 2.
In many cases, vesicles break easily and release their fluid onto the skin.
Both vesicles are about 5 cm in length, but it is curled up.
From inside to out, the layers making the vesicles are:
The term is most often used to describe a secretory vesicle.
Those vesicles in the mouth will have cleared up by tomorrow."
When a transmitter is released, a vesicle does not just get thrown away.
It plays a key role within cells in the management of cargo vesicles.
These proteins travel within the cell inside of transport vesicles.
Vesicles or other skin abnormalities may not be noticed until several years after birth.
Such was the magic of having emptied my seminal vesicles so recently.
Many other organelles that have membranes probably started off as vesicles.
This aids fusion of the vesicle with the target membrane.
The vesicles are also involved in regular cell's transcription processes.
They are thought to fine tune the synaptic vesicle cycle.