According to the book, this U-boat isn't going to have the traditional high vertical tower rising out of its back: just a low streamlined bulge.
A hotel surrounds a circular opening in the roof that forms a vertical tower of light, which at night is visible for a great distance.
The vertical tower symbolizes the heavens and more abstract conceptions of life derived from historic experience.
On the screen appeared a beautiful panoramic view of vertical towers lit by the setting sun.
This model features a vertical cable lift hill that slowly lifts the train up a vertical tower.
A catch car there pulls the train up the second vertical tower, this time with riders facing the sky.
But Zuberi's plant is a vertical tower and receives solar energy from sunrise till sunset.
It consists of a vertical rigid "tower" with one or more horizontal platforms extending out over a deep pool of water.
"The most appropriate, delicate intervention is to contrast a slim, vertical tower against the original, very horizontal base," he said.
The same fencing forms an S-shaped backbone down the middle, creating a satisfying horizontal to the vertical towers.