Remote-controlled, zoom lenses, threehundred-and-sixty-degree traverse, ninety degrees of vertical sweep.
He dipped his roller in the paint, then applied it to the wall again, up and down, steady vertical sweeps.
Rinsing the razor, I took the first long vertical sweep.
One photograph is simply the vertical sweep of an office building; another concentrates on the girders of a building under construction.
In the last year the department conducted vertical sweeps - sweeping the buildings top to bottom to locate drug dealers.
With the flashlight she made a vertical sweep of his body, saw black clothes, a weapon holstered at his hip.
As discussed above, this does not exactly happen: the vertical sweep continues at a steady rate over a scan line, creating a small tilt.
These create a sawtooth wave: steady movement across the screen, then a typically rapid move back to the other side, and likewise for the vertical sweep.
The thousand-meter vertical sweep of the cliffs was interrupted by irregularly spaced ledges covered with shattered rock.
The antenna performed its vertical sweep by nodding up and down at a rate of 30 times per minute.