The wall frames are filled with vertical planks.
Upper and lower girders hold the vertical planks in position.
On the inside, it turns out, the vertical planks have long mirrors set into them.
Atop it rest stacks of one-inch-thick (2.5-cm) vertical wooden planks nailed together creating load-bearing walls.
The non-load-bearing walls are of vertical plank surfaced with split lath and plaster.
The main component is a screen of vertical planks beveled to look like box pleats and daubed with gray paint.
It gleamed dully from a puddle outside the gates, which were high and solid, made of interlocking vertical planks.
This one was conventional, of vertical planks, with massive blacksmith's hardware.
The attackers fastened a wall of vertical planks to the back of a cart, then pushed it toward the vessels at low tide.
The palisades were made of vertical planks and posts of oak and walnut.