In track geometry, the vertical layout involves concepts such as crosslevel, cant and gradient.
The term alignment is used in both horizontal and vertical layouts to describe the line uniformity (straightness) of the rails.
These machines have often a vertical layout, i.e. the three rolls lay on a vertical plane.
Their latest efforts in 2011 show some revisions to the previous format for the Writing Mode property which provides for vertical layout and text display.
"Using vertical layout in Internet Explorer 5.5" (Microsoft Corporation, October 2000)
In order to reduce this cognitive load, parameters such as reducing the list to five likely words, and having a vertical layout of those words may be used.
The vertical layout is meant to keep head and eye movements to a minimum, and also gives additional visual cues because the word length becomes apparent.
Vertical return connecting rod engines used the original 'vertical' layout, with the cylinder facing upwards to the crosshead.
The trees can be constructed in vertical or horizontal layouts, and some of the programs offer fan charts that show a primary individual's ancestors in concentric circles.
Vertical text - Lion supports vertical layouts for East Asian languages.