Dividing walls on many types of livestock van enabled a vertical division of the loading space.
I mean to say that you should make a vertical division of production or invention, as you have already made a lateral one.
"Quarterly" means the shield is divided into four quarters by vertical and horizontal divisions.
It offers several different habitats and microclimate zones due to its strong vertical division.
One expects to see ten major divisions across the screen; the number of vertical major divisions varies.
Such vertical divisions have now become obsolete, as in marriage regulations this is no longer counted.
The building exterior adopted a strict neo-classicist design, with a tripartite vertical and horizontal division.
It consisted of two metal panels with a vertical division between them.
The vertical divisions in society and the domination of tribal loyalties over personal judgment would make that impossible.
Thereby preserving the natural, vertical divisions of a house, rather than slicing it up horizontally.