The whole vertical composition is believed to have been borrowed from hipped roof-style wooden churches of the Russian North.
Here his displays began to sprawl sideways to form wide oblong pictures, unusual in the north, although Heda sometimes painted taller vertical compositions.
This operation is also associative with identity, and the identity coincides with that for vertical composition.
The two operations are related by an identity which exchanges vertical composition with horizontal composition.
The horizontal and vertical compositions are the compositions between natural transformations described previously.
Its vertical composition shows a cartonlike structure divided into shelves, each holding one or more decapitated heads.
It appears that he initially planned to paint a vertical composition depicting his aunt and her two daughters in a pyramidical grouping.
The high horizon line and the standing figures at the ends of the painting create a vertical composition.
The vertical composition emphasizes the landscape, the trees, sky, water and blowing grass, all of which surround but do not overpower the human element.
I have used the sketches of gulls in flight to compose this study for a vertical composition - a gathering around food.