The vertical accent, third in the diagram, may be stronger or weaker than the horizontal accent; composers have never been consistent in using these markings.
On a site surrounded by tall spires, who needs a vertical accent?
Hill villages dip down to the cactus-strewn central plains, where elaborately conceived rotunda churches and bell towers add a handsome vertical accent.
Trees give the vertical accents, blue water a horizontal one.
Other vines may have flowers, colorful foliage, or fruit that make them spectacular vertical accents to train on a fence, trellis, or lamppost.
Now's the best time to see where vertical accents are needed: consider building trellises for next year's climbers.
But the stately stems of the waxy white funnel-shaped blooms make striking vertical accents in floral arrangements.
The trend toward smaller gardens has brought renewed interest in columnar plants, which provide vertical accents without taking up much space.
Use bushy plants for bulk, tall plants for a vertical accent and pendulous species for a graceful cascade over the side.
The balance of the 1970 Cadillac line sported a new grille with bright vertical accents over a cross-hatch background.