A great weight seemed to lift off my vertebral spines, allowing me to inhale sharply.
When compared with the sail of Dimetrodon, the vertebral spines are shorter and heavier, and bear numerous small crossbars.
The holotype skeleton shows each structure attaching to a vertebral spine.
With his body curled into a fetal position, the vertebral spines poked out clearly under the skin.
The specific name is derived from Latin brevis, "short", and spina, "thorn", in reference to the short vertebral spines.
If vertebral spines of back are excessively small, the horse may have difficulty bending and later develop spinal arthritis.
Its tail comprised about half of the body's total length and was thin and flexible, with high vertebral spines.
This species' carapace features a row of low vertebral spines, and is serrated on the posterior rim.
The generic name is derived from Greek hypselos, "high" and Latin spina, "thorn", in reference to the high vertebral spines.
At least two pelycosaur clades independently evolved a tall sail, consisting of elongated vertebral spines: the edaphosaurids and the sphenacodontids.