A version of a bill moving through the New Jersey legislature would crack down on handheld cellphone use and impose fines for driving irresponsibly while engaged in "distractions" like drinking coffee, restraining an unruly pet or changing a CD.
One version, approved unanimously Thursday by the Senate Judiciary Committee, would impose greater restrictions on the government's powers.
All 64-bit versions of Microsoft operating systems currently impose a 16 TB limit on address space.
Both versions of this bill impose a permanent new tax on every mortgage backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Where, for instance, the arrangement Webern made of the six-part ricercar from Bach's "Musical Offering" almost fell apart in the 1969 London Symphony recording, the new version is secure and even imposing.
"California's extreme version of term limits imposes a severe burden on the right of its citizens to vote for candidates of their choice," Judge Wilken wrote.
The first version of the TU58 imposed very severe timing constraints on the unbuffered UARTs then being used by Digital, but a later firmware revision eased the flow-control problems.
That version, much preferred by the bank and credit-card industries, imposes an income test on those who seek protection from creditors under Chapter 7, which erases most debt.
In contrast, the governor's version imposed higher county shares and significantly limited services to eligible populations.
The version of the bill now in a House committee would impose stricter limits in some areas.