The first version of AirPiano generated polyphonic sound, with 24 keys using 8 faders.
But a 75-minute version of the film, broadcast on Italian television that June, had already generated $200,000 in private donations.
Television's version of the Jessica story generates remarkable suspense even though most viewers will already know how it turns out.
The second version could generate seductive pheromones.
The 2004 version will not generate the same excitement because a postseason slot will not necessarily be at stake.
Old versions of Terminator generates when F1-F4 are pressed with modifiers.
The first version of mobileminder launched in November 2010 and generated a lot of positive publicity.
Weebly automatically generates a mobile version of each website.
However, since this version can generate sound at much higher frequencies, this could unleash new ideas and applications.
Earlier versions generated complex hidden tables and blind GIFs for layout.