Nor was that veritable tower of strong composure, Cratippus, acting like himself.
Slowly I connect a gigantic neck with an immense belly and veritable towers of thigh to register a single creature.
Straight ahead was a veritable tower of suitcase-sized receivers with cassette decks in a variety of pink, turquoise and ivory high-impact plastics for recording Western music right off the air.
She took to overdressing and the floors of the drawing-rooms reflected a veritable tower of jewels and scarves and plumes.
To them Isaiah's ministry was a house of refuge, and the prophet himself a veritable tower of strength.
The sight of him--gaunt, weird, a veritable tower of protean revenge-- paralyzed the most ebullient, silenced every clamour.
There was no one here to plead, and there was Jan, stolid and grim as was his wont, already at attention under the lintel--a veritable tower of strength in support of his chief's decisions.
I slowed to browse: first, a mound of sand-colored leggings and a veritable tower of dull forest-green numbers; nearby, two racks of gray garments hanging limply beneath a sign that said "$58."
Adèle was very lovely and a veritable tower of greed and egotism.
Smallboy himself was no angel of purity, and if he disapproved, thought Jim, Goffel must have been a veritable tower of vice.