There was a veritable parade of them, big commodious farm wagons, and when the first driver hailed Memsa'b, it became clear the carts had come for them.
The third movement "is a lively rondo with a veritable parade of attractive tunes."
A veritable parade of 20 New York police officers on motorcycles - four of them carrying Dunkin' Donuts coffee cups - swept westward.
These soon formed a veritable parade.
Maggie noticed that soon after Connor left the kitchen there was a veritable parade of ranch hands through the back door.
They didn't realize it as yet, but there would be a veritable parade of junkies today, one every hour or so.
He could hear Greg explaining as he led a veritable parade of people up the stairs.
Somewhere in the city was a veritable parade of Krazy KoKo-Nut finalists.
Then, while the high-echelon assemblage crowded into a veritable parade of limousine skimmers, he secured his helm and prepared to exit the bridge.