Of the three toxins mentioned above, however, only ricin is subject to the CWC's routine declaration and verification requirements when produced for peaceful purposes.
There is no limit to the amount that can be wired, but amounts over $10,000 ($7,500 to Alaska) may take slightly longer because of verification requirements.
American or American Eagle can be used, and the verification requirements are the same as those at USAir.
Ms. Gonzalez-Sumpter said she supported the verification requirements because she had "strong feelings about the stewardship of public funds."
Only then would employers be able to comply reliably with verification requirements as the basis for sound enforcement and, by extension, border control.
They are applicable globally, wherever the verification requirements can be satisfied.
The Soviets cannot be permitted to entertain any notion that vital verification requirements can be ignored.
In March, the Americans gave their answer in a draft treaty that spelled out verification requirements.
The industry would still be subject to monitoring, reporting and verification requirements.
The verification requirements pharmaceutical manufacturers are subject to should be stepped up in order to avoid these risks.