In my mind, a cool stream winds through tall verdant trees.
Astarte was worshiped in many places and fire gods who con- sumed children were being revived; it sometimes seemed that across the land there were local altars under every verdant tree.
Selim's legend would continue to grow... like a verdant green tree sprouting in the middle of the barren sands, where it should not have been able to survive.
We watched these, and, observing where they alighted, followed them up until we came upon a most lovely blue lake, not more than two hundred yards long, imbosomed in verdant trees.
The hillsides are covered with verdant big trees which make the place fairly cold and one can take a restful nap after having a sumptuous meal.
In his landscapes, verdant trees and meadows, built up in expert yet languid dapplings of paint, push toward the canvas surface.
At the conference here, the backdrop is all cloudless sky and verdant trees surrounding the slogan, "A New Direction."
Through the large leaded-glass windows which were open now to catch any hint of a sea breeze, he saw the thick verdant trees lining Okan Road still as a painting above the nearby slanting rooftops.
At least Joaquin was able to take advantage of the dusky coolness offered by the verdant trees.
It has ranch houses, a hospital, school, playground, cinema, and verdant trees and lawns, in sharp contrast to the arid streets of the town itself.