Another issue is the difficulty of verbally describing mostly visual subjective experiences like those found in dreams (e.g. unreal objects, bizarre experiences, emotions).
Yet consider how incapable we are of describing verbally faces that we are perfectly capable of recognizing.
We have already mentioned the difficulty of describing verbally the complex perceptions of the right hemisphere.
Verbal overshadowing is the phenomenon that verbally describing a face between presentation and test can impair identification of the face (Schooler & Engstler-Schooler, 1990).
To be sure, Simms and Nantz verbally described the Colts' adoption of a tight run defense in the playoffs.
It is difficult to verbally describe these noises, but they range from hisses and explosive cries when threatened to rhythmical braying and trumpeting sounds that can be heard from long distances at sea.
Professional nurses play a key role in successful pain management, especially among pediatric patients unable to verbally describe pain.
While they resumed the dissection they could follow every step of the Captain's progress stern ward, because he insisted on verbally describing and amplifying the pictures he was send-ing up to Dodds.
These patients are also able to successfully identify objects when a researcher verbally describes the function of the tool.
Unlike toddlers, elementary kids are less likely to rely on imagination to represent an experience; instead, they are able to verbally describe the model's behavior.