For one thing Cameron should avoid verbal spats with Rowan Williams.
After a poor showing in the 2003 World Cup, he got involved in a verbal spat with then captain Waqar Younis.
The pair have numerous verbal spats, accented by slaps across the face, but on more than one occasion they have physical altercations.
This resulted in a verbal spat between the two dons.
It featured the requisite stock pleasures such as big business, glamour, intrigue, catfights and verbal spats (particularly between Racine and most of the other characters).
After a brief verbal spat, Ben becomes Vice President and calls for a confession.
And if he had just managed to Come out ahead in one of their many verbal spats, she was pleased for him.
Earlier this week, Stephon Marbury issued a plea for more freedom on offense, sparking a verbal spat through the news media between him and Brown.
In November 2006, China and India had a verbal spat over claim of the north-east Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.
Flo Rida's manager was also ejected after an ongoing verbal spat with Pendergraph.