In their remarks, Democrats repeatedly drew verbal parallels between the economic challenges facing the country and the threats from terrorism and Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
Furthermore, Veal argues, the only explanation for the verbal parallels with the English translation of 1582 would be that the translator saw the play performed and echoed it in his translation, which he describes as "not an impossible theory but far from a plausible one."
Responding to the allegations of plagiarism made by Beilis's descendants, Malamud's biographer Philip Davis acknowledged "some close verbal parallels" between Beilis's memoir and Malamud's novel.
However, due to the lack of verbal parallels usually found when Shakespeare used a specific source, most critics do not accept either Shroeder or Hosley's arguments.
Furthermore, there are no verbal literal parallels between the two authors, since Yeghishe directly translated Philo's work from its original Greek into Armenian.
Each speaker contains one voice (or faculty and students from nearby Bennington College speaking in unison) reading a text composed by Ms. Hamilton as a verbal parallel to the visual experience.
I found his article amusing as a verbal parallel to Steinberg's famous poster illustrating New York myopia.
With the Priestly Code, Deuteronomy is only remotely related, according to textual criticism, and there are certainly no verbal parallels.
Katherine Duncan-Jones and Henry Woudhuyson argue that Shakespeare may have known Parry's work, because there are verbal parallels between his poems and Shakespeare's sonnets.
Thomas Tyler, for instance, noted thematic and verbal parallels between these sonnets and some letters of Pembroke.