Both prisoners are expected to give up a friend who is the key suspect, and both interrogations move from verbal intimidation to sexual humiliation.
"The level of verbal and violent intimidation towards me, my family and friends and comrades has become intolerable."
Another proposal would delete acts of "verbal intimidation" from the list of causes for a discrimination claim, to prevent the law from violating free-speech protections.
Hate crimes take place in residence halls, and most are written or verbal intimidation - things written on boards outside dorm rooms.
Wolf ticket, a corruption of an African-American slang expression for the practice of verbal intimidation, "sellin' (or passin' out) woof tickets."
As a result of this verbal intimidation, he has often been able to coax players into playing hands that they would not normally play.
The figure included 877 acts of harassment, including verbal intimidation, threats and physical assaults.
Officials have had to widen the lane or eliminate the dunk or more recently, institute rules against verbal intimidation as a way of maintaining a level playing field.
But in some schools they can reduce the more routine instances of physical and verbal intimidation, she said.
Non-governmental entities can also interfere with elections, through physical force, verbal intimidation, or fraud which results in improper casting or counting of votes.