It was a subject of psychology, concerned basically with the question of why people begin to use diagrams whenever verbal explanations get too complicated.
There are already voice synthesizing programs for the blind that read Internet text out loud, but images have to be tagged with a verbal explanation.
It was quicker than a verbal explanation.
I never feel comfortable with the verbal explanation of why almost $1 million has been added to our debt in the past several years.
A job like this is never done in Provence simply on the basis of a phone call and a verbal explanation.
But there is the question of their puzzling paintings, works whose multiple and seemingly contradictory images often seem to cry out for a verbal explanation.
There would have been no need for the clumsy intervention of verbal explanations.
Sometimes this may take the form of a verbal explanation of the "story" or "program" of the piece.
It presents a series of challenging problems (or questions) that require verbal explanations and reasoning in an answer.
Mrs Jöns also pointed this out in her verbal explanation.