A classic example of this is the verbs expressing the concept "to go".
If the verb does not express a movement then the participle is often found with the '.
Recipient: a special kind of goal associated with verbs expressing a change in ownership, possession.
Czech verbs express three absolute tenses - past, present and future.
In English, a verb that expresses a state can also express the entrance into a state.
Lexical verbs typically express action, state, or other predicate meaning.
This verb expresses the absolute existence of something, its condition, or its location.
Other verbs expressing a state of possession or similar, such as possess, own, belong and owe, also do not normally use progressive forms.
However certain verbs expressing a state, such as be and know, are used in the simple present even when referring to a temporary present state.
These verbs express no action, imply no duration, and provide only description of a static condition.