The Advent of talent directories has helped stream line the relationships between venue owners and the bands that seek to play them.
Many of the shows were cancelled by venue owners in response to the media outrage following the Grundy confrontation.
The term also refers to a growing trend, where venue owners charge an up-front fee to performing artists for the use of their facilities.
The venue owner (hotel/convention center) wants something easy.
The venue owner said he liked the show and has asked me to come back on a fortnightly basis, but I'm not sure I should, really.
The venue owner has asked you back and a member of the audience just doing an impersonation of you was getting big laughs.
They released a statement later in the day claiming they were talking to the venue owner about "licensing issues".
The families of the teens took legal actions to sue the venue owners however the disputes were settled outside of court.
The benefits to advertisers, consumers and venue owners are explicit.
This further allowed criminal activity to profit off illicit drug use, as many venue owners would sell rooms and drugs.