Renaissance is a private venture-capital fund that was financed by European banks and American institutions.
Even today, during the dot-com hangover, American venture-capital funds still dwarf the funds in other countries.
That was "about four times as much as the better-known venture-capital funds," the magazine writes.
The bank already has a small venture-capital fund but is looking to expand the ways it invests.
For New York City, Flatiron is the second venture-capital fund with at least $50 million that has been formed this summer.
And some consulting and accounting firms are giving their associates access to venture-capital funds that allow them to invest in Internet companies without actually working for one.
At some point, the venture-capital funds will dry up.
Then there are the people who work for, or are partners in the venture-capital funds controlled by these investors.
Yet the total volume of angel investment is estimated at five times the amount of venture-capital funds.
The market can also be stimulated now, thanks to our collaboration with the European Investment Bank and the creation of a venture-capital fund for multimedia businesses.