Venturing within a mile of the mountain, they saw that the glare of the flames was decreasing.
When one of the creatures again ventured within reach, she lashed out and severed three of its legs.
Enemy planes still ventured within range of her guns and fell victim to them.
Normally, the worms extended from their nest to capture any prey that ventured within reach.
Often, they knew more about a lot of secret things than did the government agents who ventured within Sargasso City to question them.
Between 1979 and 1984 he ventured into business within the Namibian tourism and advertising sectors.
Any foreigners venturing within five kilometres of these borders are liable to be stopped by the police or the military.
Often he had waited immobile for an hour or more until a wary deer ventured within range of his bow.
In theory, the animals can venture within 30 feet of the rooms, where they are met by electric barriers that look like ferns.
Matern ventured to within two or three feet.