The venture, known as Imnet, was announced in 1984.
The bank said last month that it would close the venture, known as Amicus, and take a $146 million charge.
The venture, now known as Global Crossing Holdings, had potential risks and rewards.
They also launched a venture known as Know Place to teach classes on mysticism and theosophy.
The venture, known as Seligman Henderson Co., was designed to provide the firm with a more global reach than it had achieved on its own.
He runs such a venture, known as Incommunicado Press.
Within weeks, the two companies are expected to announce a revamping of the venture, known as Time Warner Entertainment.
After graduation, alumni would meet again and founded in 1919 a social, cultural and sporting venture known as the Hindú Club.
The companies will also create a joint venture known as Concert to provide services like data transmission, video conferencing and global calling cards.
Teledesic is one of a handful of new ventures known as LEO companies, for low earth orbit.