Another way to "soak up" passive losses is to invest in a venture designed to produce passive income.
The Foundation encourages and supports innovative ventures designed to enable people to function effectively and to thrive.
In 1943, Edward N. Hay began a venture designed to help organizations create innovative business solutions by focusing on people and jobs.
Beginning in 2007, Velti entered into a series of joint ventures and partnerships designed to expand the company's global footprint and service offerings.
The old showgrounds have since been redeveloped as Fox Studios, a commercial venture designed at supporting Australia's film industry.
He began the Fitness Institute as a venture designed to pioneer sports/fitness testing and coaching techniques.
At the research level, it also subsidized cooperative ventures designed to close the technology gap with I.B.M. For years these efforts failed.
However, the creation of a European public rating agency would be an oxymoron, a disgraceful, authoritarian venture designed to extend public control over the market.
Lately, the term startup has been associated mostly with technological ventures designed for high-growth.
A few ex-soldiers volunteered for the White Army, an unsuccessful venture designed to strangle the Russian Revolution at birth.