And Turold had a vengeful nature, as she had discovered tonight.
But I must take into consideration the vengeful nature in which this was done.
Like Eric, Pam has a violent, vengeful nature although she often expresses her wit through dry humor.
She is usually very composed and has a violent, vengeful nature.
She's got a weak and vengeful nature,' said Letice.
He could detect his vindictive and vengeful nature.
What should first be a cool thrill becomes a deadly reality; a vengeful nature has manipulated the software and kidnapped all acting in the real world.
Jealousy, I believe it to be, along with a vengeful nature.
What is the use," she said, "of expatiating upon the depths to which your vengeful nature can sink?
Given his vengeful nature, he would assume that a strengthened Iran would soon come back after him.