How is this venerable form of speculation changing the bankruptcy process?
When at last he raised his eyes, he beheld not that venerable form, but the priestess Melissa, who in virtue of the ring now appeared in her true person.
Mr. Ali helped introduce American poets to a venerable Persian poetic form, the ghazal.
But that steep decline, which seemed to spell the end of photography's most venerable form, reversed itself in 1987.
Although he says he never studied Noh drama, his work evokes the deliberate mannerisms of that venerable Japanese form.
The two-character drama is a venerable, deceptively simple form, examples of which pretty much fall into two categories.
The dynamic of taking this wonderfully venerable old form and adding to it who these people are, and who I am, is what I find interesting.
Here were characters dreamed up as part of an advertising campaign, potentially crossing over into a venerable form of mainstream, pop-culture entertainment.
Sophiline Shapiro (artistic director) is a groundbreaking choreographer, dancer, vocalist and educator whose challenging work has infused the venerable classical form with new ideas and energy.
Both "Shadow Play" and "Henry in Shadowland" attempt to capture some of the joy and mystery inherent in this venerable form.