However in recent years this has blurred, mainly because vendors are producing tools that span both categories.
A language as large as PL/I needed subsets that most vendors could produce and most users master.
Several vendors are currently producing Paparazzi autopilots and accessories.
In 2003, vendors of Java-based enterprise portals produced a standard known as JSR-168.
Several third-party vendors also produced Alpha systems, including PC form factor motherboards.
It is expected that other standards groups or vendors will produce variations on the currently defined algorithms with behaviors suited for different networks styles.
Nine different vendors produced about half of the shots; the rest was created by an in-house unit that I set up.
Unlike the Greenmarkets in New York, not all the vendors in Paris produce their own wares.
Similarly, some vendors of intelligent software fear that an explosion of interest could produce a flood of shaky business schemes and products dressed up as artificial intelligence.
Other vendors produce keyboards for different computer systems with this placement of the Control key, such as the Happy Hacking Keyboard.