A vendor can choose to be conformant with only one or with any combination of profiles.
Don't let the vendor choose your fruit - and still, what you bought doesn't always end up in the bag.
Many vendors chose to sell on the block in front of the National Palace.
In some cases the vendor may choose to grant permission to the owner to configure hardware they have legally purchased.
However, in certain instances, a vendor may choose to sell them pre-frozen.
If a vendor chooses to delay delivering patches by as long as a month for nontechnical reasons, they could be called Microsoft...
In such circumstances prospective vendors have chosen to carry on working rather than offer their properties for sale at lower values.
Some vendor choose to even grind the meat first in order to make it really tender.
The vendors will choose the preferred bidder over the following weekend with a view to completion taking place prior to[date].
In some cases vendors and companies have chosen the wrong problem to attack, said Sheldon Breiner, chairman of Syntelligence.