Most have the standard gecko-type scales which are small and granular, giving the skin a dull, velvety appearance.
The chinks were stuffed with green and orange moss, giving the walls a peculiar velvety appearance.
The papillae themselves are covered with tiny scales, lending the skin a velvety appearance (from which the common name is likely derived).
Many of the lateral scales have white tips, giving the snake a velvety appearance.
She was attracted not only to their velvety appearance, but also to their life cycle.
The soft, brightly red body is covered with fine hairs, giving it a velvety appearance.
They are green, blue-green, or dark red in color and coated in tiny hairs, giving them a velvety appearance.
The background color is black with a velvety appearance.
The meat colour is ivory or creamy pink, with a firm, fine, and velvety appearance.
A marimo is a rare growth form of the species where the algae grow into large green balls with a velvety appearance.