Tama Yokida stared at the velocity indicator as if it were his enemy.
The vertical velocity indicator was showing a climb, but it didn't seem like a very steep one.
"Read-outs indicate deceleration program running normally, but the velocity indicator keeps going up!"
Rulf-On glanced at his velocity indicator and became puzzled.
"Systems failure in the velocity indicator," Paris said, as if they couldn't tell for themselves.
He noted the rapid drop of atmospheric pressure outside and saw that the illuminated velocity indicator had overshot its maximum range.
The velocity indicators of the Kublai Khan were approaching 1/2 speol.
The velocity indicator went off the scale.
The velocity indicator climbed to three-quarters, then reached full impulse speed.
One velocity indicator had them flying at a steady two hundred kilometers an hour, while its backup flashed the warning for stalling speed.