It is made up of 55 vellum pages dating from the early 14th century.
I felt the stiff vellum pages beneath my fingers.
He dipped it and wrote even as he talked, turning back the large vellum page of his diary.
At once the large vellum pages, heavy as they were, began to flutter.
Gold is used liberally on its vellum pages.
The manuscript is made up of about 240 vellum pages, and was probably written in the early 15th century in northern Italy.
Fingers trembling, she unfolded the vellum pages with great care.
The earliest version of the housebook probably had 12 "gatherings" that made up 192 vellum pages.
The Salamander left the vellum page' and returned to its obsidian dish, where it began to spin.
She couldn't read the bits of type on the vellum pages because of the tears in her eyes.