As such it is the main vehicular route between Southern New England and Pennsylvania and points west.
It is still the only vehicular route into the medieval centre of Rye and is suitable only for light vehicles.
Old Gentilly Road was part of the Old Spanish Trail and provided the only vehicular route east out of New Orleans at the time.
There is a direct pedestrian and vehicular route along Stroudley Road to the rear entrance of Brighton station.
The heavily defended draws, the only vehicular routes off the beach, could not be taken and two hours after the first assault the beach was closed for all but infantry landings.
You need to define the circle as a pedestrian and vehicular route, and put more activity for people at street level.
Route 146 is divided into two sections and does not provide a continuous vehicular route through the monument.
The alternative vehicular route requires driving through narrow residential streets.
Many of the buildings along South Main, the principal vehicular route through the district, are massed, bulky structures of stone or brick.
Streets within the neighborhood form a connected network, which disperses traffic by providing a variety of pedestrian and vehicular routes to any destination.