If they're clever, at least two vehicles will try to pin us, and another will come in for the kill.
The first vehicles tried to edge out into the traffic, but nobody on the road was giving them an inch.
When the black vehicle tried to move away she heard a horrible clanking sound and saw the bumper come free.
Our vehicles were trying to re-group but the streets were too narrow.
They saw many animals, including a deer, an elk, a wild coyote and a buffalo that blocked the road; no vehicles tried to hit it.
And they would certainly know that the vehicle was trying to maybe yawl and roll a little bit to the left.
Through the front windows of the living room he could see the street; a commercial vehicle was trying to park, without success.
They drive the vehicle by the time raja tries to reach there.
However, high vehicles do still try to go through and so get stuck occasionally.
That vehicle in turn was trying not to overrun the combat cars pausing at the hillcrest.