The van's right rear tire blew, and the vehicle swerved wildly.
As a result, Hai's vehicle swerved to the side of the road.
He stood there, staring after it, until the vehicle swerved around a corner and was gone from sight.
The vehicle swerved to one side and Joe lost sight of it.
The vehicles miss each other by inches and swerve into the grass on either side of this poor excuse for a road.
The vehicle swerved slightly, as Jim fought to keep it steady.
The vehicle swerved wildly to the right and, before the driver could bring the car out of the spin, ran into a parked truck.
The vehicles swerved to a halt outside, blocking the street.
She gave a violent start and the vehicle swerved.
The vehicle swerves to the right driving through the smoke and on to the next corridor.