Model data also exists for another character, which is Eggman in a vehicle resembling a walking tank, but the character itself does not exist.
Its positioning on the vehicle resembling the similar placement of the bustle as used on the dress item.
The PRT system includes 73 vehicles resembling miniature buses.
Spider-Man's robot turns into the Arachno-Fighter, a vehicle resembling a spider.
The Hulk's robot turns into the Rage Tank, a vehicle resembling a tank.
Wolverine's robot turns into the Aero-Slasher, a vehicle resembling a strangely shaped aircraft.
Thing's robot turns into the Clobberin' Time Tank, a vehicle also resembling a tank.
Iron Man's robot turns into a vehicle also resembling an aircraft.
There, they are quickly accosted by the hostile natives and taken aboard a sail-driven vehicle resembling a pirate ship on rails.
Inside the hut were two vehicles resembling large snow-cats, mounted on six rubber-tired band-steel-spoke wheels instead of treads.