The gameplay is a departure from the previous games in that, rather than learning new moves in order to continue, the player must instead build vehicles of all shapes and sizes to complete challenges.
Postal vehicles of all shapes and sizes enter and leave along a series of ramps on the northern facade.
Outside the sheriff's office, the men dispersed to the line of assorted vehicles of all shapes and sizes which were parked there.
It is lined with neat rows of vehicles of all shapes, sizes and colors that seem to go on forever.
From the score or more of what were clearly flying vehicles of assorted shapes and sizes parked about the place, it was evidently a rooftop landing deck.
An initiative by automakers to make vehicles of different sizes more compatible in crashes should reduce the danger to occupants of small cars.
At right is a chart prepared by the A.T.F. to advise local authorities on how far to evacuate people from bombs packed into vehicles of various sizes.
The Reading Transport network is served by a fleet of some 180 low floor buses, made up of a mixture of double deck and single deck vehicles of various sizes.
Design changes in sport utility vehicles reflect a recent effort by automakers to understand how vehicles of different sizes and shapes interact in crashes.
"It's something we need to work on desperately quickly," said C. Adrian Hobbs, the secretary of a new, mostly European panel studying collisions between vehicles of different sizes.