Not long ago, those vehicles generated thousands of dollars each in profit, with some customers waiting months for their vehicles to arrive.
During re-entry, hypersonic vehicles generate lift only from the underside of the fuselage.
The vehicle can generate a smoke screen by injecting fuel on the engine's hot exhaust and a fire suppression system was added to the crew fighting compartment.
Yet he assured me that if one drives slowly and stays on the hard-packed main routes, vehicles generate minimal dust.
In general, the thrust-to-weight ratio is numerically equal to the g-force that the vehicle can generate.
But the vehicle they are riding merely flirts with its ideas and never generates any emotion beyond admiration for the credibility of its performances.
Their main vehicle - tax-sheltered limited partnerships - generated generous management and development fees, which the brothers spent on new ventures.
A light vehicle generates less rolling resistance and will need smaller lighter brakes and other suspension components.
And non-road vehicles such as boats never generated a draft on the tube, no matter how fast they were going.
The vehicle not only generates zero tailpipe emissions but also very low noise pollution.