The guards, in dark-green fatigues, were armed, and policemen stood near parked vehicles filled with riot gear.
He hadn't stored a vehicle filled with a flammable chemical in his basement.
Attackers blew up a vehicle filled with explosives next to his car as he was being driven through the streets.
Two vehicles filled with heavily armed Americans in civilian clothes wheeled out of the area.
Amidst the confusion near the water treatment facility, he saw a large flatbed vehicle, filled with what looked like broken computers, ready to pull out.
In this delicate world, it is disturbing to see the line of vehicles filled with tourists driving along the sand on busy weekends.
It cruised comfortably, heading west, a forgettable vehicle filled with three forgettable people.
Scores of vehicles filled with Pan-cahtan civilians rocked along behind them.
Launching over oceans also reduces insurance costs, which are often large for a vehicle filled with volatile fuel and oxidizer.
We are being presented with a vehicle filled with good intentions.