Both vehicles exited the freeway in the vicinity of Whittier Boulevard, where they drove to a nearby Stop-N-Go market.
Originally traffic to and from the Turnpike used Route 32, but vehicles leaving the Turnpike now exit onto CR 535.
The limit for staying in the lane to avoid an obstruction is 50 metres, at which point a vehicle must exit the lane entirely.
The vehicle exited the cornfield, and there, not two hundred yards off, lay a huge field of short grass.
Upon touching down on shore, soldiers or vehicles exited by the bow ramp.
At several points throughout the ride, the vehicles would exit and travel along the exterior of the mountain-themed show building.
After passing through the second level inside the mountain, the vehicles would exit and travel around the exterior of the mountain themed show building.
After making sure all vehicles have exited the motorway, automated water-tight gates will be opened to allow flood waters to pass through.
A radio antenna detects when a vehicle with a transponder has entered and exited the highway, calculating the toll rate.
Some vessels omit the bow door configuration altogether and vehicles enter and exit from rear doors only.