The purpose of the simulation is to estimate mean vehicle queue lengths and delays for various vehicle densities and train frequencies.
This would mean a low vehicle density, and, if this was combined with a small number of passengers per vehicle, a very low overall passenger capacity.
Also factored into the rating process are litigation costs in a particular state, its population and vehicle density, its theft and fraud rates and auto body repair prices.
The pressure of the air required is a function of the vehicle weight and the size of the lift pad, essentially a measure of overall vehicle density.
Research showed interesting patterns in insect/butterfly roadkills in relation to the vehicle density.
The set of possible free flow states (F) overlaps in vehicle density the set of possible states of homogeneous synchronized flow.
Within the synchronized flow phase a further "self-compression" occurs and vehicle density increases while vehicle speed decreases.
Local Administration minister, M K Stalin has made plans for building flyovers at Chennai city junctions with heavy vehicle density.
In (3) no any relationship, in particular, no fundamental diagram is used between the flow rates , and vehicle densities , found from measured data independent of each other.
Farther south the vehicle density was higher, and I figured that whatever was coming to fetch everyone off the island would come in there.