The orange signal had turned red once more and their vehicle crawled forward, passing alongside the green dot.
Houses I could hold in the palm of my hand, miniscule roads, tiny vehicles crawling along them . . . . I looked back.
But it was two hours before the little bubble - shaped vehicle crawled into the airlock and signaled.
It was nearly 5 p.m. before the vehicles crawled through the assembled masses.
A Dutch machine-gun truck and an armored vehicle crawled forward, shadowing several Dutch engineers, who swept the road for mines.
A magnificent vehicle was crawling toward them across the field.
Like snow-shrouded tortoises, the vehicles crawled along the New Jersey Turnpike at 20 miles per hour.
At top speed, the vehicle crawls along at just 16 inches a minute, or 80 feet an hour.
When the couple from Flushing was bobbing in the water, the rangers' vehicle was crawling along the eastern end of the beach, miles away, and the officers did not discover them.
Our vehicle crawled over the immense Martian wasteland like a beetle crossing a frigid Sahara.