As I watched, the big vehicle backed cautiously closer to the water.
The heavy vehicle backed and swung; gravel flew as the accelerator-pedal hit the floor.
The vehicle backed in and several laborers began unloading the heavy boxes with an overhead crane.
But the system cannot respond to changing conditions, like the vehicle in front suddenly backing into the space the Prius is about to enter.
Stopping, a hundred feet past the bank, the big vehicle backed into the open door of a garage.
The vehicle halted at the driveway to the Giordano estate, then backed across the sidewalk with the heavy machine gun commanding the front of the house.
A vehicle with wide tires had backed out of the garage that was attached to the white clapboard house.
The spaces are usually arranged assuming the vehicle can back out of the parking space.
Headlights came on as the vehicles backed around to east their lights over the area where the men worked.
The tank's engine revved, and the vehicle backed over the bodies and tree stumps toward the woods again.