Information about vehicle acceleration, velocity and position is supplied by the onboard Inertial measurement unit.
Accelerometers can be used to measure vehicle acceleration.
The acceleration a is a combination of the actual vehicle acceleration and the acceleration due to gravity acting on the tilting inertial platform.
The position-sensitive anti-squat of dw-link offsets the rearward load transfer that happens during vehicle acceleration.
The accelerometers measured vehicle acceleration along the X, Y, and Z axes.
The increase in vehicle acceleration and weight alone has raised emissions of carbon dioxide in the United States by about 5 percent.
Rear wheel torque rises smoothly from zero to the optimum setting in proportion to vehicle acceleration (both forward and reverse).
In some arrangements when high levels of power are required, such as in vehicle acceleration, the electric driving motor draws electricity from both the batteries and the generator.
We denote the mean value of this time delay in vehicle acceleration at the downstream jam front by .
These instruments are accelerometers which detect and measure vehicle accelerations, and gyroscopes which act to hold the accelerometers in proper orientation.