It is easy and cheap to make, as all it really requires is vegetable waste.
The vegetable waste is broken down by bacteria (germs), and made into compost.
A layer of cut grass can be followed by a layer of vegetable waste and table scraps.
Compost all vegetable waste, including lawn trimmings and leaves, and use the resulting soil for planting.
Vermicomposting of vegetable waste is carried out with the help of non-governmental organisations.
This enabled Fairfield to process all of the market's fruit and vegetable waste through the in-situ technology.
Mr. Selig said he had also tried to find gardeners who could use his vegetable waste as compost.
The crew fills it full of garden cuttings, wood chips and vegetable waste from nearby markets.
They layer the vegetable waste with the wood shavings "like making lasagna," she said.
It talks about vegetable waste and vegetable waste does not cover dead animals.